

I'mA Designer


Mayur Thakkar  Senior Product(Ui-Ux) Designer from India. with a passion for creating impactful, user-centered designs. I’m deeply engaged in the latest design trends, tools, and methodologies, continually enhancing my expertise in UI/UX. I currently lead and collaborate on projects at Alois Solutions, where I bring innovative ideas to life through seamless digital experiences. Excited to work with talented teams and clients to turn visionary ideas into reality.

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Read My Articles.

My Articles.

html5 bootstrap by colorlib.com
15, Feb 2018

Google flutter & dart

Google had publically anounced thier flutter framework in earlier 2016, and it uses the language dart it mostly follows the OOP.

html5 bootstrap by colorlib.com
15, Feb 2018

100 Days of code.

Here is the quick oveerview and resources links, by which you can start your 100 days of code journey with web development.

html5 bootstrap by colorlib.com
15, Feb 2018

Programming languages and frameworks

Here is the list of programming languages and frameworks and resource too..